Well I missed yesterday's prompt but I haven't made anything in the last year since I'm not very craftsy. Today's is about communities, one's that I have found and which ones would I like to discover/join. This is a prompt that I can relate to.
The community I have found this year is a great one. Nerds. As many of my close college friends can attest to, I'm a huge nerd. If given the chance I would talk about science/psychology for days on end. While most people's eyes glaze at the first mention of the pros and cons of typical versus atypical antipsychotics, my community here at Vanderbilt is all about that shit. When Gina came to visit, we went over to a friend of mine's place for dinner. As we enjoyed our pizza, the topic turned to the use of imaging tools in research and the methodological concerns inherent in using such a technique. Clearly this devolved into a nerd chat of epic proportions. Gina handled it with kindness and understanding when she didn't immediately leave for cooler pastures. I'm incredibly lucky to have the chance to be surrounded by people who get as excited about their research as I do about mine. It seems almost criminal that I get paid to research/study that which I find most interesting.
On to the community I would like to discover. I would like to become more involved in the LGBT community here in Nashville. It's somewhat sad that I don't even really know what the community is like because I have yet to make a concerted effort to explore it. It's so easy to let everything else in life fill up your time which makes it easy to write off putting in the effort in getting out there. There is even a group here on campus for professional and graduate students and I have yet to go to one event. Therefore one goal for 2011 will be to explore that community and see if it has anything to offer me and vice versa. I am dipping my toe into that pool tonight though; I'm going to Drag Queen Bingo. Now that's a community event I can get behind.
You know how I have a really weird memory where I can remember full conversations and stories that even the storytellers themselves can't remember?
Well, I remember NOTHING about that conversation. I mean, it was so over my head that I couldn't even begin to understand the equipment you were talking about, much less the repercussions of having one vs. another. My brain felt small but I also felt so excited that YOU were excited. And that someone could finally understand what the F you'd been talking about in undergrad.
Drag Queen Bingo? I demand you live tweet that.
I also demand a minute-by-minute update of drag queen bingo.
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