Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bandwagon And Boredom

So last night I finally was able to experience what the nightlife is like in my neighborhood. I have to say that it was a pretty good time. Of course the 3 liters of beer I drank probably didn't hurt either. At one point Gina and I were left alone when the others went to get another round of drinks and we got to talking about a recent post she had done on her blog. The post consisted of a survey that asked questions and your response can only be one word. I thought that that sounded like a cool idea so I decided that I would do it myself since I am sitting around doing nothing.

One Word Survey

Where is your mobile phone? Table
Where is your significant other? Who?
Your hair colour? Boring
Your mother? Effervescent
Your father? Constant
Your friends? Irreplaceable
Your favourite thing? Family
Your dream last night? Forgotten 
Your ultimate goal? Calm
Your fear? Cynicism
The room you're in? Unfinished
What is overrated? Morning
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Growing
Where were you last night? Boozing
What you're not? Mellow
One of your wish-list items? Employment
Where you grew up? Home
The last thing you did? Read
What are you wearing? Guns
Your TV? Unplugged
Your pets? Furry
Your computer? Apple
Your mood? Pensive
Missing someone? Constantly
Favourite word? Apropos
Something you're not wearing? Underwear
Favourite shop? B&N
Your summer? Unappreciated
Love someone? Hopefully
Your favourite colour? Blue
When is the last time you laughed? Friends 
When is the last time you cried? Reading

Friday, November 7, 2008

Political Mastermind

I would like to draw everyone's attention to this recent post on Perez Hilton. Needless to say my political prowess would be a crucial addition to the Obama administration. Honestly I would be happy in any role but after my almost prescient post two days ago on what type of dog the Obamas should get I think it is clear that choosing Rahm Emanuel as Chief of Staff was a little too hasty. That phone call should be coming any time now.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Solid, Solid As Barack! That Is What We G-G-G-G-Got!

A friend recently demanded that I update my blog. I told her that I don't want to update it just for the sake of adding a post. If I don't have anything going on in my life that I feel is worthy of being broadcasted on the internet, I leave this blog alone. Lucky for me and my friend, something has happened in my life that warrants a post. We are gonna have a puppy in the White House!!! God I am so excited. I wonder what kind of dog they are gonna bring? Maybe a designer dog, but that might be seen as a garish display of wealth during these troubling economic times. A mutt bought from the pound might be a nice touch, nothing too flashy, but fleas and kennel cough is always a worry. Also, it isn't very presidential to have a three-legged pooch hobbling around the West Wing. Either way, this is just another tough decision President-Elect Obama will have to make as Commander-in-Chief. 

It is such an unbelievable feeling to have voted for someone who actually won. Four years ago I begrudgingly voted for Kerry, more so to get Bush out of office than to put Kerry in office. This time around it was like a dream come true. Not only was Bush leaving but I could vote for a candidate that filled me with hope and excitement. Because it seemed too good to be true, I was just waiting for something to happen that would screw up Obama's chances. As the days passed and we got nearer to election day I became more and more paranoid that the Repubs had some dastardly deeds up their sleeves to negate Obama's lead. Now on the other side of Nov. 4th I can breathe easier because my man is in office. Finally we can move forward to a future where our children will look back and be jealous that we were 20-somethings around the turn of the century just like we are jealous of our parents living through the 60's. Yes We Did!