As many of you know by now, a week ago today I found out that I got into grad school. Out of 320 applicants, 3 of us were chosen. It still blows my mind that I was accepted, especially since it seemed that every other applicant was from an Ivy League. Not that Wisconsin is anything to laugh at; our clinical program was/is ranked first in the nation. Too bad that ridiculous amounts of competition and back biting came out of that rating. I think that is what drew me the most to Vanderbilt, all the faculty seemed to genuinely like one another. Rather than viewing another's achievement as a threat, the Vandy profs bragged about their fellow faculty. The financial package that comes with the admission offer isn't something to scoff at either. My schooling will be paid for in full for all five years and I will receive a stipend each year for the nine months I am in school. Dr. Park, the prof I will be working with, said she will cover the other three months with a grant she has. Oh and if that wasn't enough, there is a chance that I could do research in Zurich, Switzerland for a summer. Someone please pinch me because this has to be a dream.
Last night I was driving home from watching the Oscars at Em's house and the clock said 11:11. I am a huge geek so whenever I notice the clock is 11:11 I do the whole, "make a wish" thing. Prior to last week, the wish always was that I hoped I got into grad school. Prior to that it was I hope I do well on the GRE. I am afraid that at my weaker moments I even wished for a boyfriend. Last night though, when it was 11:11 came around, I didn't make a wish. There is nothing that I want right now that I don't already have and that is a pretty darn good feeling.
Now the only thing that is left is for the weather to turn warm here in the MPLS and rock out all summer long. I foresee another trip to Seattle, drinking around the lakes here (I wonder if they serve beer at the food stand on Lake Calhoun?), and just enjoying myself before I have to dedicate the better half of the next decade to becoming a doctor.
Hi Joel
My name is Bing and I am an 11:11 Lightworker. If you are curious about the 11:11 time prompts and are looking for more information please follow these links and they will help you immensely. The sole purpose of what I am sending you is so that you can find your own way at your own pace. It is not my intention to impose any beliefs on you or seek your membership in any organization; I am just here to help you find others who are much more knowledgeable than me. The links, books, videos and sites that I am sending you will start you on a journey that will take quite some time to process. This is the beginning of a life journey to further enlightment and spiritual illumination. The first link is to a great site concerning 11:11. Here you will meet many other 11'ers just like you and me of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities. No one will think you’re crazy or odd. You will feel quite at home almost immediately and discover why YOU have been prompted. As you probably have now figured out the prompts are much more than coincidence.
These links leads to some short inspirational videos that I hope you will enjoy and pass on to others. I have no connection to the authors; I just like the messages.
After a while you will notice that the prompts will change to include the number of the hour plus: 11, :22, :33 and so on. You will start to see the prompts on sales slips, licence plates of cars that “just happen” to pull in front of you and also on addresses. A book that I would recommend is “Angel Numbers” by Doreen Virtue. It will give you an explanation of what some of these numbers mean.
Here are some links that will help you to become a more caring and loving person.
Another topic that you may find interesting is Crystal and Indigo children. These are children that are being born with a raised level of consciousness. Some of them have two extra genes that allow them to see auras and be more psychically in tune. Here are some sites that will provide information on this topic.
Here is a link to a site that will help you to focus on the “Law of Attraction”. I have read these books and they come highly recommended not only by me but by many professional book reviewers and people who have followed their advice. These books will really help you remove negative thinking and habits from your life and change your attitudes to attract what you want to have and accomplish.
This next link is to the inspirational writer Eckhart Tolle. He was a person who suffered from intense depression and despair. He found his way out of this life style into a life filled with learning to live in the now. His books, videos and lectures are known through out the world. He has helped many; many people find their way into better lives. I am including a link to his web site plus a link to a free course that you can sign up for. There are also a couple of free interviews on YouTube that you can view
These two links are to great meditation music sites. The first one is a link to the music of Chuck Wild who goes under the artistic name of “Liquid Mind”. The second is to a on line radio station that is free and features 10,000 genres. This particular genre is “New Age relaxation music.
The following link is to a definition of the word Namaste which I feel should become more common place in our vocabularies. Whenever I feel myself becoming judgmental of others I say this word to myself and it puts me back in the right frame of mind. There is no “us and them” only “US”.
Well that's it for now. I hope that this information will help you on your journey to becoming a better person and to help raise the level of Life, Light and Love in our world. Please feel free to contact me at any time. If you are interested I have many more inspirational videos, links and inspired messages that I can send you.
Throw some love into the wind
So I read this post and was going to make some sassy comment about how you should be wishing you were with me......until I read the previous comment.
And diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied laughing. Picturing your face/reaction is giving me immense joy.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I´m so proud.
I am also laughing about the comment from 2 ago...bahahahahah
1. hahahaaaaHAHAA! (my new roommates are looking at me funny as i am laughing out loud)
2. i like that one of your labels is dr. peterman.
3. you'll still be in mpls in july/august won't you? so i can come visit you again?
oh. my. god.
comment #1. speechless. and now uncontrollable laughter. what a gem!
I seriously don't even know what to do with that comment. Like do you think he or she just copies and pastes it into any blog with 11:11 in it? Wow.
Hi Joel
Well, it seems that I have started a controversy on your blog and made you the object of your friends' laughter! My intention was to inform and not to cause you to be upset. If I have upset you I most sincerely apologize.
I found your blog by a simple "Google Alert" for 1111. Google sends me daily updates of sites and blogs that contain information with the term 1111 in them. Yours was one of them. Millions of people around the world are receiving these 1111 prompts daily without any idea as to their meaning. As you have concluded by now the prompts are much more than a coincidence. I have done extensive research into this phenomenon and when I scan my daily alerts I send out my letter to those who have some question about the prompts. Many of those who receive these prompts were born after 1980. They, like you, are known as Indigos. This link will take you to a great site about 1111.
If you are amazed that I could find you using Google Alert here are some links to look at concerning what the NSA, bankers and the Bilderberg Group is up to and others which will let you know where the alledged "War on Terror" scare mongers would like to take us. These individuals live in a vacuum that is dedicated to self perpetuation and addiction to power. They live in an atmosphere of constant fear,greed and avarice.
1111 is dedicated to the opposite. The prompts are about raising yourself up to a higher level of conciousness;to become more than you are.
Throw some love into the wind
Joel that rando just told you you were an indigo.
What does that mean?!?!
And I think I'll throw some love into the wind....maybe it'll blow north?
can i start calling you indigo?
ok, this just made my day. i'm going to include 11:11 in my next blog post just so i can get in on the phenomenon. :)
Buettner stop judging- he used the word 'monger', so you know he's good shit.
JSP, I am deleting my Google Reader and returning to the world of outclicking to blogs... solely because I missed this for so long!
Adios, Indigo
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