Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm Taking the GRE Day After Tomorrow, But Instead...

So I am taking the GRE the day after tomorrow and I should be going over math problems and looking up what the word pusillanimous means (it means cowardly or weak, guess how I remember it) but instead I felt that I should write about something that has happened to me while I have been living at home. I am not sure how I feel about it because it is something that I never thought would happen. Over the past several weeks I have slowly developed not only a forced interest in baseball, but I actually will turn it on when no one else is home. Trust me when I say that I am surprised as anyone by this development. 

By default, as well as the threat of bodily harm from Jordan, I am a supporter and fan of the Chicago Cubs. I am completely fine with this because after being to Chicago a few times during Cubs games I can honestly say that Cubs fans are some of the nicest, most gracious people you will ever meet. The same cannot be said for White Sox fans who are assholes. As some of you may know, the Cubs are officially in the postseason playoffs. Right now who they will be playing comes down to either the Brewers or the Mets. I am not sure who would increase their chances of winning because as I am told, by my little brothers, both teams have the worst bullpens in the League. I guess if I could choose I would say the Brewers because I would love to read everyone's status updates on Facebook cursing the Cubs.

There is one more reason why I am a fan of and have developed an interest in the Cubs. Ryan Theriot, a.k.a The Riot. Theriot plays shortstop and has recently been hitting above 300. Now this is his second year on the team and he has proven himself to not only be a great player, but a fan favorite. Thats all well and good but my fascination with him has nothing to do with his batting record. I think he is way cute. Look at that face how can you not love him? It's that mug that helps me make it through 3+ hours of Cubs games with my family.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Don't Normally Do This But...

As many of you know, I don't particularly consider myself to be politically minded. I do consider myself to be liberal both fiscally and socially and I think that after attending UW-Madison it is pretty obvious that I plan on voting for Obama on November 4th. Until this summer I would very rarely think about politics for fear that my rising anger would cause me to mutate into a green behemoth and lay waste to all that was around me. The thing is, whenever I think about politics I become extremely pissed. When I dwell on the fact that an entire party (and yes I will place all self-identified Republicans in one group) bases one of its planks on denying the rights of others because they believe that group to be morally inferior, I think it is understandable that my blood boils. Now I know when it comes to gay rights, the Democrats, as a whole, are not that much better, but I feel that they are more likely to shake my hand with one hand while not stabbing me in the back with the other.

I don't claim to be highly knowledgeable on the present political climate but over the past few months I have been trying to become informed. Prior to this road to discovery I assumed that when you boil everything down both of the parties are fairly similar. In today's election the outcome is determined by the undecideds. What this means to me is that each candidate must be as moderate as their parties' diehards will allow. Which is why I find it laughable that McCain claims to be a maverick. I won't argue that in the past he hasn't at times fought against his own party to get things he believes should be done done. But to become his party's nominee he has inherently agreed to carry their standard to the epic battle on November 4th. I won't be so presumptuous as to think the Republican party was tricked into choosing a nominee who would daring enough to go against their interests.

With Obama, I truly do have hope that he will change this country for the better. I do think that regardless of his international experience, the sole fact that we will have a Democrat in office will help America's cred with the rest of the world. One of the attacks that has been used against Obama is that he is out of touch with regular Americans because he is elitist and an intellectual. First of all, McCain is married to a former pill popper who is heir to a beer fortune; that seems to be more elitist than Obama and Michelle who met in law school. Second of all since when is ignorance and stupidity qualities we want in our leader? I want the person who holds the highest office in the world to think once in awhile.

It has taken me a very long time to reach a point where I would risk writing a political post on my blog. As with starting this blog, I am highly self-conscious when it comes to what I write. When I first started this blog, I thought to myself that to have a blog means that you must think you are interesting enough to have people read what you say. Once I overcame that I decided that I would keep this space light-hearted and not delve into anything of substance. Times have changed though and regardless of what people will think about what I have just written, I belive that it was time for me to have my say. Have at it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So I have been studying for the past few weeks for the GRE which I am taking a week from Friday. What I have learned so far from this whole thing is that I will never understand math intuitively. Give me a passage describing the migration pattern of birds and I will comprehend the shit out of it. But if you give me a circle inscribed inside of a square or a percentage problem and I shut down in seconds. Pretty much I have been doing math problems every day until my mind feels fuzzy and then I allow myself to decompress the rest of the day. I have taken a couple of practice tests and I guess I am happy with my score but who knows if it will be good enough for the schools I will be applying to. Whenever I talk to people on the phone and they ask me what I am up to I tell them nothing really except for studying for the GRE. It may be sad but all I really do each day is study and then hang out. I have been looking for apartments in Minneapolis in preparation of moving there at the beginning of October.

I felt that I should update this blog but I don't really have much to tell. Mostly I am just uber excited to move to Minneapolis in less than a month. Granted I don't have a job yet or a place to live but I am sure finding a place won't be too hard at all and hopefully a job will come next. my plan is to apply to various mental health institutions such as group homes or day centers. The group homes should be easier to get a job at but I think that working at a day center would be a great experience because in a way it would be like unofficial therapy. Either one would be great experience. Also I have decided that I am gonna volunteer at whatever GLBT Center they have in Minneapolis. Lucky enough for me I have straight friends already in Minneapolis but I would really like to make friends who are of the same orientation as myself. Besides I need to have at least a couple dates while I am there right?